All of our Satellite Systems are fully automatic and self aligning.
Our Pick & Most Common Satellite System we install is the Satking Pro Max. The unit takes up little roof space and when searching for signal requires a small area whilst rotating until it picks up on the signal and locks in position.
We also install the Satking Orbit – The Satking Orbit is well suited to installations where there is ample roof space available and comes in at a lower price range than the Satking Pro Max.
Please see our Shop-product listings- Satellite systems on our site for a full run down on both units.
Standard Install including labour all parts and a Satellite system Starts at $2700 for the Satking Orbit and $3850 for the Satking Pro Max. This does not include your TV or a receiver box. If you already have a television Point installed in your RV you will require a receiver to attain channels. A Vast Box is the most common receiver or we can connect your Fox/Pay Tv receiver free of charge to the system if you have sufficient power points near the TV point to run the Pay TV Receiver.
To add a Vast receiver to the Satellite System Install typical extra cost would be $269 for the Vast Receiver and and $85 for extra labour and parts.
BASIC INSTALL(Single television Point)
Satking Orbit Installed with Vast Receiver – $3054
Satking Pro Max Installed with Vast Receiver – $4204
Please Contact us for questions on separate TV Points ans non standard installations.